Using High-Payload AMRs to Improve Workplace Productivity and Safety

Figure 1: An AutoGuide MAX-N Tugger AMR

Figure 1: An AutoGuide MAX-N Tugger AMR

Hauling heavy loads of goods through factories and warehouses remains a highly repetitive and potentially dangerous task. Forklifts remain an ongoing contributor to workplace accidents. Forklifts cause around 85 fatal accidents a year, 34,900 accidents result in serious injury and 61,800 are classified as non-serious.

In recent years, AMRs have emerged as a safe, efficient and more productive alternative to traditional methods. AMRs provide a modular base that can be configured as a tow tractor or pallet stacker and can manage payloads of up to 6.8 tons. The AMRs are guided by laser, radar and environment mapping technologies, meaning navigation without the need to maintain navigational aids such as tapes, RFID tags and reflectors enabling the AMR to quickly change routes and duties to match the changing needs of the organisation.

Whether you are racking, stacking, picking, or towing, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) offer the potential to drive productivity gains of 30-400%, streamlining and speed handling workflows to reduce cost of operation. resulting in investment payback within months. With built in intelligence, smart supervisory traffic and integrated task execution management software, AMRs can dynamically calculate job fulfilment routes in real time for maximum throughput, calculate alternative routes or negotiate objects and people should they get in their way and even multi-task. 

AMRs not only present opportunities for increased productivity and faster returns on investment (ROI), but they can provide safer working conditions.

A manufacturing facility with a new onsite distribution centre deployed MAX-N Tuggers to optimise long-haul towing.

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